How I Cured My Mast Cell Disease?

Your body is an extremely complex and coordinated community that consists of interconnected organs, cells, and signaling molecules. This collaborative community’s parts run smoothly to protect you more than the immune system. Though this refined system defends you significantly, sometimes the immune system gets out of balance, causing much damage. One such response of an imbalanced immune system is the growth of mast cells, which misbehave and lead to a severe condition called mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), also known as mast cell disease. In this condition, mast cells are prompted to release many inappropriate chemicals in the body that lead to allergic symptoms, including hives, rashes, or swelling. If you have recently experienced some allergic reactions and want to know “How I cured my mast cell disease”, here this article is for you. Explore it thoroughly to understand what MCAS is, the related symptoms, causes, and treatment. Read on!

What Is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

What is MCAS disease? It is a condition caused by irregular or excessively active mast cells. Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is often mistaken with another term known as mastocytosis. Though both come under the category of mast cell disease, they are very different conditions. What is Mastocytosis? It is a rare disorder in which immune cells called mast cells gather in extra amounts in the liver, intestine, bones, gut, and under the skin. The cause of this disease is genetic changes, provoking mast cells to multiply abnormally, which overwhelms the body and leads to some health issues. Those include skin growth and leukemia, a type of blood cancer. Now, what is mast cell activation syndrome? This condition does not involve accumulating extra mast cells in your body organs or cells. Instead, it occurs when mast cells discharge an inappropriate number of chemicals called histamines in the body that cause allergy symptoms.

What Are Mast Cells?

You may find the term mast cells new, but they are white blood cells found in every area of the body. Humans consist of an excessive number of mast cells in those parts where their body highly meets the environment such as the lungs, intestinal tract, and skin. So What do mast cells do? Mast cells, in general, play a crucial role in your immune system. When these cells detect any virus or harmful bacteria, they trigger an allergic response by discharging the chemical known as histamines. This sudden response helps fight off infections and germs and protect your body. Besides this, mast cells contribute to other critical bodily processes like bone growth, wound healing, and new blood vessel growth.

Causes Of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

What causes mast cell activation syndrome? It is believed that mast cell activation syndrome occurs because of a change in a gene called transmembrane tyrosine kinase (KIT), which is known as mast cell regulator. Research has shown that people with systemic MCAS have multiple or complex variations of the mRNA sequence that are accountable for coding the transmembrane tyrosine kinase gene. Another study says that the possible cause of MCAS can be familial occurrence but more analyses are needed to find if it is genetic. Certain factors can contribute to mast cell disease, which include:

  • Friction or rubbing of the skin.
  • Physical activities and exercises.
  • Bee and wasp stings and insect bites.
  • Alcohol, certain medications like muscle relaxers, NSAIDs, anesthesia, and some types of food.
  • Sudden temperature change.
  • Physical or emotional stress.
  • Environmental odors or fragrances.

Symptoms of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Several symptoms of mast cell activation impact many body systems all at once. You can experience them after taking specific medication or eating foods, practicing exercises, smelling odors or fragrances, and various things. The following are the key signs and symptoms:

  • Skin swelling, rashes, and itching
  • Rapid heartbeat and low blood pressure
  • Abdominal pain, inflammation, and chronic pain
  • Constipation, nausea, and diarrhea
  • Breathing difficulty, coughing, and shortness of breath
  • Headache, brain fog, and dizziness
  • Weakness, muscle pain, and joint pain
  • Allergic responses to different triggers
  • Weight loss, fever, and night sweats
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Fatigue and malaise
  • Memory or concentration problems
  • Sleep disturbances

Each person may experience different symptoms. If the symptoms last longer, it is better to seek professional help immediately. You can search “mast cell specialist near me” online and find several top-listed healthcare providers in your location. The licensed and skilled doctors will diagnose the root causes and provide you with an effective solution.

How I Cured My Mast Cell Disease?

Are you looking for a mast cell activation syndrome treatment? Well, mast cell activation disorder is incurable, but with some strategies, healthcare providers can help manage the potential symptoms and complications. Doctors will first perform the physical examinations for mast cell disease diagnosis. They will rub the infected skin areas to check if your skin turns red, itchy, or inflamed. If you are struggling with mast cell activation syndrome, you may experience these allergic reactions that result from a quick and sudden release of mediators from potent mast cells. You can browse the internet to see an early-stage mast cell disease face of a patient struggling with this condition and know what it looks like. If the symptoms are similar, you can immediately consult the medical professionals. Doctors first provide the epinephrine auto-injectors and sometimes refer you to an emergency department or hospital for further care. They may also recommend medication treatment that helps stop mast cells’ reactivity. Those drugs include:

  • H1 blocker and H2 blocker antihistamines.
  • Leukotriene inhibitors like zafirlukast and montelukast.
  • Mast cell stabilizers such as cromolyn sodium, bioflavonoids, and ketotifen.
  • Aspirin blends with histamine blockers.
  • Sometimes, chemotherapy is recommended for aggressive mast cell disorder.

Adults with mast cell disease can have medicines to prevent the symptoms before they develop. According to the FDA, Avapritinib is approved for treating advanced systemic mastocytosis. It is consumed orally as capsules. This drug benefits by delivering the small molecules that attach to the KIT D816V, a protein causing abnormal mast cell growth. It hinders the histamine development that contributes to allergic reactions. Consult the licensed healthcare providers and discuss the medication suitable for you.

Home Remedies For Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Besides medication treatment, mast cell activation syndrome can be prevented by avoiding the factors that may trigger the potential symptoms. Here are some home remedies that can aid in MCAS management:

Have Low Histamine Food

Histamines are the mediators released by mast cells on activation by specific triggers. Since cells become hyperactive during such a disorder, it leads to high histamine levels within the body. Increased histamine causes digestive issues, skin rashes, hives, puffiness, low blood pressure, and runny nose. In such a situation, a mast cell activation diet consisting of low histamine foods can come as a rescue, lowering the overall histamine amount you can consume from certain foods. Low histamine food includes fresh, unprocessed, whole foods, broccoli, blueberries, peaches, sweet potatoes, squash, asparagus, cucumbers, and apples. Avoid high histamine-rich food like canned fish, fermented foods, processed cheese, soy sauce, yeast, alcohol, nuts, yogurt, and chocolate.

Also Read: Low-Histamines Diet: What Foods To Eat and Avoid!

Improve Gut Health

Study says that about 70% to 80% of the body’s immune cells live in your gut. If your mast cell disease is becoming more intense, there might be some underlying gut health problems. These issues could arise due to specific attacks of parasites, dysbiosis, leaky gut, candida overgrowth, or infections from other viruses or bacteria. Along with stimulating your immunity response, the prevention of gut problems can also relieve MCAS symptoms. DAO enzymes that play a crucial role in histamine metabolism reside in your gut; hence, maintaining gut health is essential. If your gut functions poorly, it can hinder the activity of these enzymes, leading to high histamine levels.

Reduce Toxicity

When dealing with mast cell activation syndrome, immune cells significantly respond to stressors or perceived dangers. Toxins in the body are the most significant stressors which are mostly hidden, making you clueless about them. They can cause cells to respond to danger or stimulate histamine levels to pour out in large amounts. The less the toxins in the body, the less they will likely react. So, to control your immune response and reduce MCAS symptoms, you have to ensure a low-toxic environment to get healed. The practice can include clearing off all the toxic products, such as home cleaners and chemical-rich beauty products, and replacing them with natural alternatives to eliminate poisonous exposure.

Add Natural Antihistamines To Your Diet

If you want to avoid Benadryl or Epipen auto-injectors and are looking for a home remedy to prevent MCAS, natural antihistamines in some herbs or foods can be an ideal option. Quercetin is a natural antihistamine that you can get from foods like berries, onions, broccoli, leafy greens, and apples. Moreover, quercetin supplements are also effective. Stinging nettle can also be a good choice. According to one research, nettle extract inhibits histamine production, relieving MCAS symptoms. Another study shows butterbur can efficiently decrease histamine levels, similar to allergy medications such as cetirizine. Triphala also works wonders as an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant herb; it helps prevent histamine production and lung inflammation. This makes it an excellent choice for people with mast cell disease who are also struggling with reactive airway disorders and allergic asthma.

Summing Up

Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) occurs when mast cells repeatedly release mediators in excessive numbers while responding to specific triggers. This leads to severe allergy reactions such as rashes, hives, itching, and swelling that people with MCAS experience. The symptoms may differ from one person to another. Though no effective cure is currently available, certain medications and treatments can help manage those symptoms. Also, home remedies like a low-histamine diet, reduced toxicity levels, low stress, improved gut health, and natural antihistamines can be beneficial. This is how I cured my mast cell disease. If you notice any MCAS symptoms, you should seek professional help immediately. Delays can worsen your health condition.

Credit : Source Post

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